Details: area survey and layout (including line clearance) 2 stone wall facing with marking 163.17 per making wall by dry selection of stone 1.20 m. upper 0.80 m. at ground level and 060 m. wide upper alignment and quantity 50 hq. (0 rm no work) rate amount 8158.50 1 200 m. by digging stones available at a distance of less than 630 rm 388,50 per 529.2 com 1000 rm 205594.20 2 3 200 to 500 m. distance available stone wall repair done by digging stones 423.87 per b40 cvm 350050.80 1559 rm 1309.56 194.25 fer kandur trench/staggered trench/deep cct digging damwelling work 3 cm. making sub-divisions of 2 or 2.5 hectare size in the jamana area on top of half thick layer wall and demarcating them by burying paper and writing with paint 4 6 center trench 45 romi. x 45 cm. v. dip (0+0.30)/2x12 m. (continuous stepwise) excavation of size 20000 rm and after specifying the excavated soil (a) hard clayey soil up to 20% bid trench 254382.03 3169 rm 14.11 per 44996.79 50 ha 223.52 per 11176.00 1.06 per 21200
Sector: Forest and Environment