Details: name of work: rate contract for general stationary items2allpin (100 gm) attendance registerborrer ( plastic handle )borrer ( steel handle )brown tape 1/2"brown tape 1"brown tape 1.5"brown tape 2"both side tapebinder clip 19 mm (10 clip per pkt)binder clip 25 mm (10 clip per pkt)binder clip 32 mm (10 clip per pkt)binder clip 41 mm (10 clip per pkt)binder clip 51 mm (10 clip per pkt)calculatorcasual leave registercello tape 1/2 "cello tape 1"cello tape 1.5 "cello tape 2 "cello tape dispenser clear book plastic folder 40 leafcolourful baste (90cmx90cm)damper (paper counting sponge)dak pad (general)dak pad (superior)dak dairy duster (60cmx60cm)duster (90cmx90cm)eraser/rubber (each packet of 10 pcs.)file cover - pairfile padfile lace 9*24 (each bundle of 100 pcs.)file tag 8 inch (each bundle of 100 pcs.) file folder (clear a-4) (plastic)file folder (clear f-s) (plastic)file folder (superior) (plastic)file folder (plastic with button )flag (colour stick) (posted note)gluestick 8 gmgluest
Sector: Accounts and Treasury