Details: dismantling all types of masonry excepting cement concrete plain or reinforced, stacking serviceable materials at site and removing as directed within a lead of 75 m. a) in ground floor including roof. wood work in posts, post plates, rafters, battens, truss members, purlins etc. fitted and fixed complete (excluding the cost of bolts, paints, but including the cost of nails, screws etc.) (the quantum should be corrected upto three decimals). (ii) sal : local.ground floor supplying, fitting and fixing boiling water proof ply conforming to is: 710-1977 bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin conforming to is: 848-1974 of approved make and brand fitted and fixed as per design as per approval and direction of engineer-in-charge. [excluding the cost of supporting frame work and teak wood batten/lipping] (ii) 6mm (iv) 12mm (vi) 19mm supplying fitting, fixing decorative lamination conforming to is: 2046 : 1995 as per approved make, brand, finish and thickness with fitting,
Sector: Industry Development