Details: surface dressing of the ground in any kind of soilincluding removing vegetation inequalities notexceeding 15 cm depth and disposal of the rubbishwithin a lead upto 75 m as directed. box cutting or filling in road embankment in all sorts of soil including spreading the spoils properly over the flank as necessary or on berm to approximate grade. (i) depth up to 150 mm. (ii)for each additional depth of 150mm and part thereof. construction of sub base using local materials,spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, including screening the metal asnecessary, mixing by mix in place method withrotavator at omc, and compacting with vibratoryroller to achieve the desired density, lighting,guarding and barricading including cost andcarriage of all materials and making necessaryearthen bundh of one metre wide on each side toprotect the edges complete as per clause 401 ofspecifications for road & bridge works of mort&h(5th revision).for construction of sub base by compactin
Sector: Urban Authority