Description: Personal Floatation Device - Life Jacket made ofPolyurethane foam , Torch Or Emergency Light -Solarenabled , Safety Gloves - Canvas or Leather , 30 mts 10 by11 mm BOB Nylon Rope , Life Buoys , Oars and Rowlocks ,Paddles , Anchors , Galvanize Metal Bucket or Bailer , OutBoard Motor minimum 30 HP , DCP Fire Extinguisher ,Emergency Spot Light with Minimum 12 Hours Run , Tool Kit - Colt cutter, Wire Cutter, Pilers, Driver Set , Axe orHatchet 3 Kg , Fibre Glass Backboard Stretcher , RadioWillkie Sets 5 Watt , Blankets , Park Pickets , First Aid Kit ,Twin Progned Graphel or Cat Hooks , Throw Bag , Gum Boot, Safety Googles , Safety Helmet - Water Rafting , GPS Sets ,Navigation Lights , Maps Charts And Compass , Chain SawAnd machine , Camping Tent- Water Resistant and Mosquitonet , Inflatable Rescue Boat with 40 HP OBMPROCUREMENT OF EMERGENCY ESSENTIAL RESOURCE RESERVE
Sector: Disaster Mgmt