Details: repairing -holes and making up small depressions with ramming or power rolling including screening, cleaning chips or metals and washing, drying as necessary and heating the chips or metal where necessary, cutting holes to regular shapes with vertical edges, cleaning the disintegrated materials, heating matrix and applying tack coat (including sides), finishing the top of repaired surface levelled with adjoining area, including cost and carriage of stone aggregates and matrix, excluding cost of applying tack coat. [tack coat is to be considered separately] . with premixed chips or bajrees with 54 kg of bitumen per m3 of loose net volume of stone chips using concrete mixer machine. (the payment is to be made on the basis of loose net volume of stone materials consumed in the work) . using mobile hmp (light duty). patching of potholes by draining water, cutting the pothole area to rectangular shape with vertical edges, removing all loose materials, screening and stacking the same
Sector: Urban Authority