Details: part-a: drilling & development of tube well: drilling of bore hole of suitable diameter upto required depth by water jet system through any type of soil including hire and labour charges for boring pipes, scaffolding, other tools and plants etc. and taking out the same complete and other incidental works in this connection. the bore hole should have minimum 65 mm gap in between outside of the tube well pipe and the bore. for lowering of 100 mm dia. gi/pvc pipe. for lowering 150mm dia pvc pipe. labour charges for lowering of pipe, strainers, blank pipe etc. and fitting, fixing the same including cutting, threading where necessary complete including bucket washing and other incidental works in this connection. 100 mm dia. upvc pipe blank, bottom plug with cutter, pvc ribbed strainer. 150 mm dia. pvc housing pipe. supp
Sector: Water Resource Department