Details: opening & closing of all the different dia sluicevalves (80 rumdia to350 mmdial on different places along the alignment of the rising main and distribution main at different places over the command area daily as and when required for regulating the supply of water and distributing' water all over the command area smoothly including changing and restoration of gland packing of sluice valve, air valve if required including opening the cap / plug of wash out point or opening the sluice valves including de-jointing joints (80 mm to 350 mm dia l including repairing works and cleaning the pipelineor changing o fgate,spindle or liner etc.of sluice valves all complete,restoration works to be done including earth work in the excavation bailing out of water, re-filling the excavated earth, taking out of rcc slab or slab cover and refaxing true to position etc. all complete as per the specification and direction of eic. (01 no. valve operator require for operating 3 nos. water supply scheme per
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage