Details: stripping off worn out plaster and raking out joints of walls, celings etc. up to any height and in any floor including removing with in a lead of 75 m as directed. . taking out m.s. or w.i. grills from wooden frame including cutting lugs from masonry wall and refitting the same and mending good damages after repairs (excluding the cost of necessary repair of damages) or doing any other necessary works. removing old paint from blistered painted surface of steel or other metal by chipping including scraping and cleaning and exposing the original surface. scraping of moss, blisters etc. thoroughly from exterior surface of walls necessitating the use of scraper , wire brush etc.(payment against this item will be made only when this has been done on the specific direction of the engineer-in-charge.). plaster ( to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering conrners as directed and raking out joints including , nosing and drip course, sca
Sector: Municipality