Details: labour charges for thorough cleaning, sweeping, mopping of the machineries and building of the bottlingplant to maintain hygiene and sanitary requirements asmertioned in schedule 4 of food safety ard standards(licensing and registration of food business)regulation 2011 during visits of the food safetyofficers at the bottling plant. this includes allconsumable required for plant for mantaining highestlevel of hygene with placurd, festoon within the plant &outside the plant. water parameters table 1: microbiological requirementscoliform bacteriafaecal streptococci, and staphylococcus aureussulphite reducing anaerobes, cfu/50 mlpseudomonas aeruginosaaerobic microbial countat 20-22 degree c in 72 hat37+_ 1 degree c in 24hyeast and mouldsalmonella and shigellavibrio cholera, and v. parahaemolyticus table 2: organoleptic and physical parameterscolour, true colour unitsodourtasteturbidity, nephelometric turbidity unit (ntu) total dissolved solidsph table 3: general parameters
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage