Details: maintenance and repair of damagedinspection path on left bank minor -3 ofdy -2 from of tmlc in between ch 4.16 kmto 5.38 km in block -rajganj, dist.-jalpaiguri.483806.00 9676.00 21 days sdssummary of minimum eligibility requirement totechnicallyqualifyforthenextstageoffinancialbidinthistender:a. technical pq credential:i. the bidder must have satisfactorily completed atleast 1 (one) ‘similar nature’ work undergovernment sector within last five fysonthedateofpublicationofthisnitofgrossmonitoryvalueofrs1,33,868.00 (gross monitoryvalueiscalculated based on final billed value isthe credential certificate (cc) multiplied byinflationary factor completed within the precedingfivefysofsimilarinnature,ofgrossnotionalvaluenotbelessthan30%oftheamountputtotenderoftheworkforwhichthebidderchoosesto participate in thisnit.(briefdescriptionofpqworkcredentialdesiredwithcorresponding pq eligibility amount in rupees145141.00)as per work programmeprepared and uploaded by thetender inviting authority in the
Sector: Irrigation