Details: n.b:-all quoted rates are inclusive of gst @ 18% and cess @ 1.0 % carrying of drinking water pouches from pond no 4mtu/mtu shed sagar to differnet water kiosks of and around all roads of main mela ground including fillling of 100 nos pouch in each gunny bag and stitching and loading, unloading complete by hiring diesel vehicle {motor van] as per directionof eic [ this cost included,hiring of vehicle, fuel & mobil cost labour cost and cost of driver and helper] w.e'g 12-01-2025 to 16-01-2025 for distance up to 1.0 km upto 1 km upto 1.5 km upto 2.25 km upto 4.0 km (drinking water bottles/pran dhara)
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage