Details: structural steel work during u#4 ahp oh replacement of bah inside steel plate ( bottom ash hopper inside steel plate replacement with outside stiffeners if any. ) trough seal outside wall repair/welding ( trough seal plate repair/ replacement. ) structural steel work during u#1 ahp oh replacement of bah inside steel plate ( bottom ash hopper inside steel plate replacement with outside stiffeners if any. ) trough seal outside wall repair/welding ( trough seal plate repair/ replacement. ) fabrication and of eco surge ( hopper. repairing of eco surge hopper and its support including hand railing by structural steel materials using welding or by any other means. ) scaffolding cost above 4m for eco surge ( hopper ) dismantling cost of scaffolding primer one coat on steel painting two coat on steel structural steel work during u#2 ahp oh replacement of bah inside steel plate ( bottom ash hopper inside steel plate replacement with outside stiffeners if any. ) trough seal outside wall repair
Sector: Generation