Description: Supply and Installation of PDB changeover panel for Krishnanagar Gandhi Smriti Football Ground Sagar Block in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela 2025 Name of Work Supply and Installation of PDB changeover panel for Krishnanagar Gandhi Smriti Football Ground Bufferzone Sagar Block in connection with Ganga Sagar Mela 2025
Details: N.B:-All Quoted Rates are inclusive of GST @ 18% + CESS @ 1% Supply, delivery and storage at site of sheet steel cubical type dust and vermin proof indoor type single front leg mounted PDB change over panel made of 2 mm CRCA sheet having common bus bar chamber in front side and individual cable alley at rear side of the panel. The panel should be finished by epoxy based powder coated paint on both inside and outside. Details of the panel will be as per details specification attached with the tender. [Make of Panel: Any approved vendor of PHED (Riverrine charges @ 5% included) INCOMERTPN MCCB (200 Amp, 36 KA) with adjustable O/L, S/C protection rotary handle and spreader link [Make- Any approved vendor of PHED] – 01 No. handle and spreader link [Make: ABB / Siemens / L&T] -01 NoDigital Ammeter (0-200 Amp), 96 x 96, make- Any approved vendor of PHED - 01 NoDigital Voltmeter (0-500 V), 96 x 96, Make:- Any approved vendor of PHED - 01 NoDigital KW meter , CL-1 Make:- Any approved ven
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage