Details: part-a/1labour charges for 2 (two) nos. operating personnel for operation of gaseous chlorination arrangement having capacity 0-1 kg/cm2 by manual panel including operation of valves,cylinder, internal / external illuminations etc as per specification and round the clock guarding of the whole installation with all accessories. (esic and epf contribution of employers for @ 3.25% and @ 13% are include for establishment having 20 employers or more.)period from :- 01.02.2025 to 31.01.2026 for p/h no.i part - bsupervision charges for electrical installation within the pump house by licensed electrician as per ie rules, 1956 read with latest amendments overhead expenditure as per specification & direction of the eic.period from :- 01.02.2025 to 31.01.2026 for p/h no.i add @ 1% cess
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage