Details: servicing of 10 nos. 11kv or 6.6kv/415v power transformers rating upto 1mva inside dpps and at dpl's water works & water intake area. disconnection of existing power & control cable (11kv/6.6kv & 415v & control cables) of the transformer rating upto 1 mva oil draining to store in clean steel drums so as to refill it back with proper sealing of oil drums. dismantling of conservator including connecting pipe, bucholz relay, vent pipe line etc. removal of inspection cover & top cover of transformer. all ht & lt bushings would be dismantled and packed in a wooden crate with necessary safety protection to avoid any damage to the bushing. diamnatling of all oil valves and radiators. cleaning & drying out of core & coil. arresting of any oil leakage at transformer by replacing gasket of suitable sizes & brands (as per the direction of eic) at top cover, inspection chamber, buchholz relay, tap changer mechanism, ht and lt bushing, drain plug, oil valves, radiator, oil guage glasses etc. supp
Sector: Infrastructure