Details: cleaning compound premises of shurbs, plants, jungles etc. by cutting and removing as directed (specific permission of engineer-in-charge prior to execution will be necessary). (payment to be made on area cleared) scraping of moss, blisters etc.thoroughly from exterior surface of walls necessitating the use of scraper, wire brush etc.(payment against this item will be made only when this has been done on the specific direction of the engineer-in-charge) removing loose scales blisters etc. from old painted surface and throughly smoothening the surface to make the same suitable for receiving fresh cost of paint. stripping off worn out plaster and raking out joints of walls, celings etc. upto any height and in any floor including removing within a lead of 75m as directed. removal of ,earth etc. from the working site and disposal of the same beyond the compound, in conformity with the municipal /corporation rules for such disposal, loading into truck and cl
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage