Details: supplying and installation of 12 nos.display board (0.9x0.6=0.54 sqm sign areabeside i&wd departmental bridges withinthe jurisdiction of seharabazar irrigationsub divn, under d c division during theyear 2024-25₹96432.00 1929.00 nil2911 sdsbona fide outsiderhaving credential ofexecution of similarnature of work of value50% of the amount putto tender i.e.within last 5 years.₹48216.002supplying and installation of 12 nos.display board (0.9x0.6=0.54 sqm sign areabeside i&wd departmental bridges withinthe jurisdiction of amarkanan irrigationsub divn, under d c division during theyear 2024-25₹96432.00 1929.00 nil2911sdsbona fide outsiderhaving credential ofexecution of similarnature of work of value50% of the amount putto tender i.e.within last 5 years.₹48216.003supplying and installation of 12 nos.display board (0.9x0.6=0.54 sqm sign areabeside i&wd departmental bridges withinthe jurisdiction of d.c no-i sub divn,under d c division during the year 2024-25₹96432.00 1929.00 nil2911sdsbona fid
Sector: Irrigation