Details: supply offurniture atkolkata chair providing and fixing wooden chair made with seasoned bestquality wood size front 22”, side 17 ½”and back 16” front andside rails 3”x1”, front legs 2”x2” , back height from the seat 19”,top of the seat 19 mm bwr grade ply with 8 mm thick laminate, head rest from 3”x1” and back rest from 6”x 1" to be fixed ona bar of 2”x 1” wood: handles from 3”x1 ½” with a slightround shape and high shelack polishing complete.27niet no:245/mkt of 2024-252 armedvictoriachairproviding and fixing wooden armed victoria chair made withseasoned best quality teak wood,wooden seated – size front22”, side 17 ½”and back 16” front and side rails 3”x1”, front legs2”x2” slightly bevelled, back height from the seat 19”, top ofthe seat ¾” thick plank in two pieces, head rest from 3”x1” andback rest from 6”x ½” bevelled to be fixed on a bar of
Sector: Industry Development