Details: name of work: rate contract for monsoonprepartion jobs at sgw kulti. taking out carefully g.c.i. or c.i.or asbestos sheets (includingridges etc.) from roof or wall afterunscrewing bolts, nuts, screwsetc.and stacking the material atsite as directed.through cleaning ofmuck/dust/other accumulationfrom the girth of gutters &downcomer pipes includingdumping the same neatly on grundand disposal of the same as perdirection within a lead of 100 m.fitting & fixing of new/old sheetwith gi corrugated /plain/transparent polycarbonatesheets using 10 mm dia j / l hookbolts in proper line and level atvarious heights & locationincluding supply of required sizesof fittings and fixtures and cutting/ hand bending of sheets formaking ridge wherever necessaryto proper shape / size / length asper instructions and siterequirement. (payment to be madeon area of finished work). note-required quantity of sheets willbe issued by the company
Sector: Industries and Factories