Details: ipurchase of 2nos. steel water tank for remunaration generation of rampurhatpanchayat samity (2200 ltr.) of hydraulic bale press machine for plastic waste management unit at mouza-atlajl no-79 dag no-2304 under khorun grampanchavat within rampurhat-l of semi-automatic plastic fatka machine for plastic waste management unit at|mouza-atla jl no-79 dag no-2304 under khorun grampanchayat within rampurhat-lpanchayat of shredder machine for plastic waste management unit at mouza-atla jl no-79dag no-2304 under khorun grampanchayat within rampurhat-i panchayat of bottle plastic and aluminum cap cutter machine for plastic waste management|unit at mouza-atla jl no-79 dag no-2304 under khorun grampanchayat withinrampurhat-i panchayat of weighing machine for plastic waste management unit at mouza-atla jl no-79|dag no-2304 under khorun grampanchayat within rampurhat-l panchayat samity.
Sector: District Administration