Details: servicing and overhauling of 400 amps/500 amps/630 amps/1250 amps, 11 kv/6.6kv/3.3kv vcb/vcu dismantling the rack from the housing , opening the components, necessary cleaning of the components, carbonised portion, changing of rubber gaskets, defective parts, cleaning of all mechanism part and lubricating the mechanism, opening of ct & pts busbar spoutr adssembly cleaning the same and insulated properly by supply of ctc etc. and refitting all the parts to its origibnal position by making all relevant elcetrical connection, panel wiring etc. for satisfactory & operation. taking out the pt (33 kv/110v) (11kv/110v) (6kv/110v) (3.3 kv/110v) ht vcb panel and thorough cleaning washing the interior portion with carbon tetrachloride after taking out the from pt housing and re-fitting the same after attaining the desired ir value and refitting, re-fixing the pt complete and testing and commissioning asd per direction of eic. supply and replacement at site of vcb spout for busbar (medium siz
Sector: Urban Authority