Details: earth work in excavation foundation trenches or drain in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding laterite or sandstone) including removing, spreading or stacking the spoils within a lead of 75m as directed the item including necessary trimming the sides of trenches levelling, dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing out water as required complete. earth work in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with good earth in layers not exceeding 150mm including watering and ramming etc. layer by layer complete.(payment to be made on the basis of measurement of finished quality of work) (c) (i) with carried earth arranged by the contractor within a radious of 1 km, including cost of carried earth. supplying and laying polythene sheet (150gm / sq.m.) over damp proof course or below flooring or roof terracing or in foundation or in foundation trenches.(a) 6:3:1 proportion. cement concrete with 30mm downgraded shingles excluding shuttering. in ground floor. (a) 6:3:1 proportion.
Sector: Zilla Parishad