Details: name of work :percolation tank (nos.1) item no.1 : clearing the seat of earthern dam includingseat of spillway and hr including removing the trees,shrubs, bushes etc. including depositing the materialsoutside the seat of dam beyond 50m from the toe lineand upto 200m lead as directed etc. complete (sorn.w.w&k.d., ha. 0.0014922.00 cmtitem no.2 :excavation for depening of pond / checkdam including transporting and spreading theexcavated material for raising of embakment inuniform layer or as directed including dressingbreaking clods etc for leap up to 1 km and all liftwithout rolling and watering etc. complete.(s.o.r n.w.w&k.d cmt 1034123.705 noitem no.3 provinding & fixing sign bords made outiron sheet 90*60 cms rectangle as per the design andone coat of red oxide and twoo coats of best qualiteepoxy paint with good writing (m.r)
Sector: Irrigation