Details: name of work :repairing of pitching at u/s of r/s junction of sasoi-ii wrp dismantling riprap pitching, sorting andstacking of useful and unuseful materialsfrom the dismantled materials in lead upto200mt. as directed etc complete.(b) 45 cm thick pitching with filter1395.00 sqmt. 396.00 552420.002 earthwork / back filling with selected earthbrought from out side borrow area or fromexcavated useful material including wateringramming, compaction with pneumatictemping and all lead and lift etc complete.280.00 . 132.00 36960.003 providing and laying dry rubble pitching with20 cms gravel/metal and 20 cms sand layersas base of inverted graded filter withproviding and fixing precast conc. m-15header stone, hand packing, trimming &dressing of slopes etc complete.b) 45 cms thick stone pitching (h.s. size 15x15x60cm)
Sector: Water Resource Department