Details: Desktops Requirement 1 i5,10th gen,Win 10Pro, HDD -512GB,SSD-256 GB,Ram-8gb,Mouseand keyboard,Monitor 19.5inch orhigher TFT200Scanner withStandRequirement 2 2D Bar code Scanner 300UPS Requirement 3 2KVA or higher 200CCTV WITH ALLACCESORRIESRequirement 4 DVR 100Requirement 5 Dome camera 200Requirement 6 Bullet camera 200Requirement 7 Hard Disk 1TB 100Requirement 8 DVR monitor 15" TFT 100 Requirement 9 Mouse and Keyboard 200 Requirement 10 Other accessories like cables andconnectors etcAs perrequirementPRINTER Requirement 11 ETHERNET POS PRINTER 100NETWORKING Requirement 12 INSTALLATION ANDCOMMISSIONING IncludingMANPOWER SUPPORTCompleteInstallationof allproductsHHT Requirement 13 4 in. WVGA (800 x 480), LEDbacklight; color display; opticallybonded to touch panel50CAMC For 3Years Requirement 14 All products
Sector: Cooperative Federation