Details: hiring of silent diesel generating sets 125 kva d.g. set (maximum derated capacity upto 110kva) one no as per cpcbiv+ emission norms dt 03.11.2022. the silent d.g. set complete with power feeding accessories should be suitable to generate the 415+5% volts 3 ph, 50 hz a.c. supply for the pumping station / temporary sites for a period 1 month including to & fro charges of 110 kva (a) d.g. set 125 kva at gandhi vihar p/stn, (b) d.g. set 125 kva at mukherjee nagar new p/stn. ( c ) d.g. set 125 kva at dhaka p/stn. (d) d.g. set 125 kva at sfs-1, p/stn. hiring of silent diesel generating sets 82.5 kva d.g. set - one nos. for pumping station. the silent d.g. set complete with power feeding accessories should be suitable to generate the 415 plusmn; 5% volts 3 ph, 50 hz a.c. supply for the pumping station / temporary sites for a period - 1 month including to fro charges of d.g. set. a) 82.5 kva at nehru vihar -i p/stn. b) 82.5 kva at nehru vihar - ii p/stn. c) 82.5 kva at j
Sector: Municipality