Details: ar 122.2.43:s.i.t.c of hot press moulded smc panel/canopy box of size(od) 920 mm x 460 mm x 260 mm & (id) 900 mm x 450 mm x250 mm , anti - corrosive, dust proof, rust proof, shock proof , self-extinguishing property , resistant to heat , vermin proof, ultra violet stabilized, pilfer resistant, suitable for mounting 1 no. 3 phase starter, 1 no. 63 amp 4 pole isolator and 1 no. 3 phase energy meter, socket for outgoing connection with pilferage proof smc door duly welded with s/s handle having danger logo on its outer surface and with 1 no hot dip galvanized iron stand for a base of size 40 mm x 40 mm x 5 mm and height of the stand is 600 mm including 300 mm height below the ground with side of size 25 x 5 mm. 122.2.159:development of tube well with suitable capacity of air compressor i/c lowering of the necessary induction pipe or line i/c cost of fuel, hire charges of compressor etc as reqd. the development shall be considered complete when gravel stop sinking, discharge ceased to
Sector: Municipality