Details: kidney models type: anatomical kidney models, preferably bothhealthy and diseased variants (e.g., chronic kidneydisease, polycystic kidney disease). material: durable, non-toxic materials (e.g., pvc,silicone) that mimic the texture and appearance ofreal kidney tissue.size and dimensions scale: life-size models (approximately 10-12 cm inlength) to accurately represent human anatomy. weight: lightweight for easy handling, typicallyaround 0.5 to 1 kg.01 pcs02. anatomical modelhuman excretory systemtype: life-size anatomical model of the human excretorysystem. material: made from durable, non-toxic materials (e.g.,pvc, silicone) to mimic human tissue texture and providedurability.01 pcs03. hand mannequin (forfistula cannulation) (1) material: high-quality, durable silicone or pvc forrealistic texture and flexibility.size: adult-sized hand, approximately 7.5 to 8 inches inlength, with proportional dimensions to mimic a real humanhand.05 pc04. peritoneal dialysismannequin (1) durable si
Sector: University