Details: earth work in excavation in fdn trenches all kinds of soil. earth work in excavation by mechanical m all soils p/l cc up to plinth level: 1:4:8(1cement :4 c/s :8 s/ag.40mm) 1:2:4(1cement :2 c/s :4 s/ag.20mm) p/l in position rcc up to plinth level: 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 reinforcement for rcc work cold twisted bars centering & shuttering fdns., footings, bases of columns columns, pillars, brick work with fps bricks fdn, & plinth cm1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) brick work with fps bricks s/structure cm 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) 12 mm cp in1:4 steelwork riveted/bolted/welded sections steelwork built up in tubular trusses welded type tubes. p/f precoated galvanise iron sheet p/f precoated gs roofing accessories ridges plain (500- 600mm). extra for p/f wind ties finishing walls with wpc paint new work 2 or more coats painting with synthetic enamel paint two or more coats on new work lettering filling available excavated earth p/f hard drawn steel wire fabric 75x25mm
Sector: Generation