Details: topographical survey/hydrographical survey/bathymetry survey using latest survey instruments.complete cross-section at every 15 meter interval or less as per site condition and as per the directions of the engineer-in-charge, showing all levels between the land boundaries of the drain.hydrographical data including existing bed level, water level, water depth, discharge carrying capacity at various locations.existing boundary wall condition and dimensionsdetail of trees with girth of falling within the land width of the drain, location with geo-coordinates.detail of encroachment in drain area (boundary to boundary) type and sizedetail of out falling drains/inlets (with complete levels i.e. invert level, top level, shape, location, geo-coordinates etc. detail of no. of bridges/ culverts and type of bridges (with complete details like span, width, top level, soffit level etc.)detail of services like water pipe line, sewer pipe line of d.j.b. electrical pole, telephone line, igl line etc.
Sector: Irrigation