Details: ivrs (one time cost ) pri line deposit and installation (one time cost ) 2) recurring monthly costi) outbound seats with manpower, infrastructure, technology and furniture.(18 nos. for 24 months) ii) inbound seats with manpower, infrastructure, technology and furniture.(40 nos. for 24 months) iii) supervisor seats with manpower, infrastructure, technology and furniture.(03 nos. for 24 months) iv) technical staff (programmer /developer) seats with manpower, infrastructure, technology and furniture for crm/ivrs software and other it development works.(01 nos. for 24 months) v) peon/sweeper seats with manpower, infrastructure, technology and furniture.(01 nos. for 24 months) vi) electrician seats with manpower, infrastructure, technology and furniture.(01 nos. for 24 months) 3) recurring telecom costi) internet leased line (01 nos. for 24 months) ii) web hosting for crm (01 nos. for 24 months) iii) pri line rental(01 nos. for 24 months)
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage