Details: preparation of detailed construction plan for pipe distribution network system including necessary command survey, linear survey for pipe laying, chak planning, designing of pipe network, and preparation of estimates,as directed. providing permanent benchmark dressed stone of basalt ,granite or gniess of size 30 cm x 3 0cm x 45 cm at least 15cm below the ground and embedding it to a depth of 30 cm in grade m-15 in situ concrete of size 90cm x 90 cm x 60 cm deep over 1m deep foundation concrete o fgrade m-10 including excavation, concrete, providing and fixing dressed stone and backfilling the pit upto ground level with sand etc. complete, with all lifts as directed. cleaning grass and removal of up to a distance of 50 meters outside the periphery of the area as directed excavation for deep trenches for laying rising main in earth soil of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum including trimming to correct line, level and to specified widths including removing the excavated materi
Sector: Irrigation