Description: Supply of Stationary and Consumables at Divisional Commissioner Office, Nagpur Division, Nagpur.
Details: Jumbo Stapler Kangaro (HP-45)Kangaro Medium Stapler (HP-45)Stapler Pin No. 10 Kangaro (1 box of 20)Stapler Pin No. 26/5 Kangaro (1 Box of 20)stapler pin removerRubber Band Large Size (4 Inch)Rubber Band Large Size (2 Inch)Xerox Paper A-4 Size – JK Copier 75 GSMXerox Paper Legal Size – JK Copier 75 GSMCalculator Mothe Casio 12 Digitbox fileMeeting Pad (Luxor)Conference Pad (Luxor)glue stickPunching Machine Kangaro (DP-500)Punching Machine Kangaro (DP-280)Industrial Punching Machine Kangaro (DP-800 / 900)Highlighter Pen (Camlin)Ball Pen (Use & Throw)Uniball PenReynolds Trimax PenSketch Pen (Kores) (12 Sketchpenches 1 Packet)marker pen (Kores)tocha woodTag Bundle (White)lace (tongue) bundleRegister 2 Choir (Full Size)Scale Plastic Mothi (12 Inch)Stamp Pad Large Size (Camel)Stamp Pad Small Size (Camel)Stamp Pad Ink Bottle (Camel)Pencil Box (Camlin / Superme)Khodarbar (Non Dust) 20 Nagacha 1 Boxfevicol bottle 200 gramsFevicol Bottle 100 GramsCello Tape Mothi (Size 2 Inch) (Transparent/Brown
Sector: District Administration