Details: iot development kit 11a arduino uno r3 with cable 201b ada fruit pid 659 flora wearable electronic platform arduinocompatible-v3 201c raspberry pi4-b2gb 201d arduino mega 2560 r3 201e arduino nano at mega 328 201f node mculua wifi internet development board on esp 8266 201g node mcu on cp 2102 ic2 201h raspberry pi zero w development board built in wifi andbluetooth 201i zigbee x bee s2 c 802.15.4 2 mw wire x b24cztwti 201j lora esp32 oled display bluetooth wifi tot board for arduino 101k gsm/gprs/gps module with gps and gsm antenna 52 sensors and modules kit 12a rain sensor 202b soil moisture sensor 202c captative moisture sensor 202d analog ph sensor kit meter 102e flow sensor 202f force sensor 202g 150 kg weight sensor 102h load sensor 102i air speed indicator 102j piezo capacitor pressure sensor 52k flame detection 202l doppler eadar(rcwl0516) 202m proximity sensor 202n passive infrared sensor 502o ultrasonic sensor 503 smart automation kit 13a 1 channel 5 v relay optocouple20 203b
Sector: Science University