RFP FOR Set up of Innovative Science Centers in se - 18657358

The Maharashtra Directorate of Primary Education has published a tender for "RFP FOR Set up of Innovative Science Centers in selected Zilla Parishads Elementary Schools of Maharashtra" on the 31 Jan 2020. This tender belongs to Electrical Equipments category. This tender is published in Pune, Maharashtra location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Electrical Equipments tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.

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Electrical Equipments tender analytics
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  • During the time period (October 2019 - January 2020), a total of 1 Electrical Equipments tenders were published in Pune district.
  • The top spend areas in the Pune district during the October 2019 - January 2020 quarter are: Road Construction, CC Road, Underground Drain Construction.
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     Tender Details

    Details: name of items& imagestechnical specificationsexhibits1 electric ll2 electric mazesize: 10” x 6” x 1.5”material: this working model of electric bell contain magnet, copper wire, coated wood. a conceptual chart inmarathi language of a3 size provided in6 colour print on minimum 3mm pvc base having a qr code that linked toan application for seeing conceptual video.use: unlike a permanent magnet, the strength of an electromagnet can be easily changed by changing the amountof electric current that flows through it.size: the model has a moulded abs base of size: 12" x 20” and 2.7mm thickness. it also has a moulded bottomcasing of 2.7mm wall thickness to encase electrical connection and/or mechanism if needed.material: the working model consist of a 3v red led and 3v buzzer, 100 ohms resistor, 14 swg aluminium wire,6v 1a ce mark adapter, electrical connectors, handle with hook and a monkey template. a conceptual chart inmarathi language of a3 size is provided in 6 colour print on minimum 3mm p

    Sector: School

    Published Date31 Jan 2020
    Tender Estimate Value52.98 Crore
    Due Date Login to view Due Date
    Earnest Money Deposit(EMD)INR XXXX
    Processing Fee 0
    Document Sale Start Date XX-XX-XXXX
    Document Sale End DateXX-XX-XXXX
    Tender Opening DateXX-XX-XXXX
    Tender Document Link Login to view the document
    Tender Type Open Tender
    Tender Category Goods
    Register to search tenders

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