Details: laying and jointing pvc pipe. heading providing and supplying in standard length of 151 mark rigid unplasticsed pvc pipes for potable water with solvent cement joints including cost of couplers as per 15 specification na.4985/1988 including all local and central taxes, transportation, foreign charges japoction loading, unloading, conveyance to the departmental store/sito and stacking the same enclosed shed duly protected from sun rays and rains including cost of jointing material. ic. solvent cemcer, etc.consolete iami.p. dsr 2021-22 l'ave no.97 item no. 1 b providing and supplying (st mark ci dif stuice valve with jointing to pipe work (including all hardware and packing ),water quality baving non-rising spindle with hand wheel and without bypass amagement spindle of stainless steel as per requirement excluding cc foundation strutture steel support (1) up to 300 mm dia conforming to 15 780(2) above 300 mm dia confirming to 15 2906 a-sluice valve with pn-i/buticrfly valve without bypas
Sector: RDPR