Details: hughes dry dock services hughes dry dock services (including preparatory period & block setting period 4days per slot) yard services at hughes dry dock dock cleaning charges (within 24 hours of docking charges) (1 time after docking of ship) supply & laying of suitable dock blocks both centre line and side blocks as per drawings during docking of the ship supply & laying of suitable wood packing (soft & hardwood) for dock block as per drawings during docking of the ship. supply & positioning of wooden bottom shoring as per drawings during docking assisting for docking and undocking excluding tug and pilotage mooring and line handling excluding tug and pilotage unmooring and line handling excluding tug and pilotage fire line pressurized line per day connection and disconnection of pressurized fire four lines sea water supply to ballast tanks connection and disconnection of sea water supply one line power supply (50hz & 3phase-110v, 230v & 415v respectively) during docking per
Sector: Industries and Factories