Details: description :set of tpu ring consisting of 04 items as per annexure-a & as per rdso drg. no. cg-20049 &cg-20057 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ]tpu ring (happy pad) 6mm thick for primary outer suspensionod 265 x id 177.6mm x 6mmcg-20049 item-116 nos.tpu ring (happy pad) 6mm thick for primary inner suspensionod 167 x id 109mm x 6mmcg-20049 item-216 nos.3tpu ring (happy pad) 6mm thick for secondary outer suspensionod 438 x id 313mm x 6mmcg-20057 item-108 nos.4tpu ring (happy pad) 6mm thick for secondary inner suspension
Sector: Railways