Details: misc. civil maintenance works in factory area for at rcf thal. part a - civil works: all items of sor (annexure-xxiv, item no. 1 to 155) part b - additional expenditure due to wage revision of wage agreement covered workers i.e. ' a' category workers per day/labour (unskilled) fixed part of wages to be paid for 365 days to each worker (rate will be paid as per actual calculation wage calculation sheet annexure -20 & 21 of nit) part b- additional expenditure due to wage revision of wage agreement covered workers i.e. 'a' category workers per day/labour (semiskilled) fixed part of wages to be paid for 365 days to each worker (rate will be paid asper actual calculation wage calculation sheet annexure -20 & 21 of nit) part b- providing / supplying misc. materials not covered in the pwd ssr 2022-23 completed items including loading, unloading & transportation as per requirement. [payment shall be made as per submitted cash receipt excluding taxes]
Sector: Industries and Factories