Details: fabrication, testing, safe delivery, installation andwarranty of automated material transfer system for glovebox. description & scope of work1.1 descriptionfabrication, testing, supply, installation and warranty of automated transfersystem as per the technical specifications and drawings given in the tenderdocument.1.2 scope of workbidder’s scope of work includes the following points.1. understanding the technical specifications of the system and thedrawings and seeking clarifications from the purchaser, if required.2. preparing fabrication drawings and getting purchaser’s approval.3. procuring brand new raw materials and standard parts as perspecification from authorized suppliers.4. manufacturing components as per approved drawings.5. inspecting components after fabrication and preparing inspectionreports.6. taking corrective action on defective parts and confirming by reinspection.7. arranging inspection of components, sub-assemblies and completeassembly to purchaser du
Sector: Research center