Details: scope of work 1. vacuum hot press vacuum hot press unit includes high vacuum system, induction heating system, vacuum chamber, cooling water supply unit, compressed air supply system and double acting hydraulic unit. maintenance of high vacuum system the vacuum system of each compaction equipment consists of rotary pump, roots pump, diffusion pump and vacuum gauges. maintenance of each pump shall be carried out as per the manufacturer's manual or guideline provided by user. weekly visual inspection of vacuum pumps for vacuum oil level and filling oil to the desired level whenever required. daily inspection of vacuum system and lines for any leakage. troubleshooting of any leakage in the vacuum system and lines without any delay. electrical problems related to the pumps to be attended without any delay. preventive maintenance of vacuum pumps once in three months as per the manufacturer's manual or guideline provided by user. maintenance of induction heating system the induction heating
Sector: Research center