Details: dismantling of emergency gate poeg (2.43m x 1.82m-1no.) for maintenance, reassembling, bringing gate from working platform to gate slot and inserting the gate in slot after repair and maintenance complete servicing of gate leaf assembly of poeg (2.43m x 1.82m -1 no) complete servicing of hoisting arrangement for poeg strengthening of hoist platform1) dismantling & removing rusted, broken steel strucure of old hoist platform, etc2) fabrication & charges of reapirs of hoist platform with the help required support painting charges for gate leaf , hoist & allied steel assemblyremoving old paint from steel and other surface with flame, cleaning and making the surface even including scaffolding etc. complete. providing & applying red oxide metal primer in two coats, providing & applying coal tar epoxy black paint in two coats including surface preparation,chipping the welding, cleaning spatters,dust etc providing under water diving services for inspection of gate leaf for leakages and seal
Sector: Water Resource Department