Details: description :set of overhauling kit for miscellaneous valves comprising of 07 sub kit asper kbil kit no. (a) xki/kit/01590 containing 15 items 15 nos. (b) xki/kit/02482 containing 12 items 16 nos. (c) xki/kit/01585 - 12 items 20 nos. (d) xki/kit/01587 containing 07 items 08 nos. (e) xki/kit/01583 - 09 items 30 nos. (f) xki/kit/01588 containing 14 items 16 nos. (g) xki/kit/01589 containing 10 items 11 nos. of m/s. knorr bremse make ccb panel for braking system of3- phase locomotive. as per annexure attached. [ warranty period: 30 months after the dateof delivery ] ]
Sector: Railways