Details: whiteman and whytees (base dis. 30%)-14.0-no specifications;taxmanns (tax) (base dis. 30%)-12.0-no specifications;sweet & soft (s & s) (base dis. 30%)-38.0-no specifications;sweet & maxwell (s & m) and thomson (base dis. 30%)-56.0-no specifications;law publisher (lp) and kamal law house (klh) (base dis. 30%)-186.0-no specifications;lexis nexis (l & n), butterworths publications, wadhwas, tripathi, universal law publishers (ulp) (base dis. 30%)-351.0-no specifications;lawmanns and vinod publication (vp) (base dis. 30%)-110.0-no specifications;law & justice (l & j) (base dis. 30%)-86.0-no specifications;law jorunals (bound volumes) (base dis. 20%)-141.0-no specifications;karnataka law journal publications (kljp)z, karnataka law times publications (kltp) and karnataka law reporting publications (klrp) (base dis. 30%)-79.0-no specifications;g. b. singh (author) and skyline publication (base dis. 30%)-18.0-no specifications;general books (base dis. 20%)-216.0-no specifications;eastern book
Sector: Court