Details: SIEMENS SIMATIC S7, Y COUPLER for setting up a Y-link forRedundant controllersMLFB: 6ES7197-1LB00-0XA0(or equivalent backward compatible successor)12.SIEMENS SIMATIC DP, bus module BM IM157 for extendedtemperature range Bus module F. IM157 and IM153-2 for removal andinsertion function during operationMLFB: 6ES7195-7HD80-0XA0(or equivalent backward compatible successor)23.SIEMENS SIMATIC S7, bus module for accommodating a Y-couplerincl. bus module coverMLFB: 6ES7654-7HY00-0XA0(or equivalent backward compatible successor)24.SIEMENS Communications processor CP 1623 PCI Express X1 (3, 3V/12 V) for connection to Industrial Ethernet (10/100/1000 Mbit/s) with2-port switch (RJ45) via HARDNET-IE S7 and S7-REDCONNECTOperating system support see SIMATIC NET software released as ofSIMATIC NET CD V7.0 HF1MLFB: 6GK1162-3AA00(or equivalent backward compatible successor)15.SIEMENS SCALANCE XB008G unmanaged Industrial Ethernet Switchfor 10/100/1000 Mbit/s; for setting up small star and line topologies;
Sector: Remote Sensing and Geospatial