Details: supplying capacitor type ceiling fan complete with down rod blades, shackle, canopies etc., for operation on 230 volts, 50 cycles. single phase ac supply conforming to iss-374-1979 and with double ball bearing system. - 48" sweep (1200mm), regular model (exclusive of taxes);supplying wall mounting fan suitable to operate at single- phase 230v ac. supply. 400 mm (exclusive of taxes);fixing a ceiling / wall mounting fan of all capacities and all types to the existing 's' hook with fan regulator to the existing board together with supplying and fixing 5 amps. ceiling rose, necessary length of 23/ 0.0076 inch pvc insulated twin twisted copper wire and wiring (exclusive of taxes);supplying exhaust fan of 1440 rpm of 300mm size with bracket blades complete for light duty suitable to operate on 230v 50 hz ac supply. (exclusive of taxes);fixing one exhaust fan in the nitch already left in the wall with bolts and nuts and 5 amps ceiling rose with sufficient length of 23/0.0076 inch pvc insulate
Sector: Generation