Details: lv1 busduct straight length of spb of length 20 mtrs approximately, adaptation at existing spb side,bends 3ph set ,al expansion flexible near existing busduct busbar( 3ph set),copper braided flexibles near station transformer termination ( 3ph set),rubber bellows at existing spb & stn. termination end 2 nos support structure as per the site requirements silicagel breather assembly with piping accessories gaskets, hardwares & silicagel breather assembly as per the site requirements;lv2 busduct straight length of spb of length 17 mtrs approximately, adaptation at existing spb side,bends 3ph set ,al expansion flexible near existing busduct busbar( 3ph set),copper braided flexibles near station transformer termination ( 3ph set),rubber bellows at existing spb & stn. termination end 2 nos support structure as per the site requirements silicagel breather assembly with piping accessories gaskets, hardwares & silicagel breather assembly as per the site requirements;transportation charg
Sector: Generation