Description: Conservancy of roads drains and public places in the staff colony for Two years 2025 27 Part C East Wing Name of Work Conservency of roads drains and public places in the staff colony for one year 2025 27 Two years Part C East Wing
Details: Conservancy and cleaning of the public utility place like ABC market along with open area (Daily)and Main road along with its drains( Twice in a week) and all other streets and avenues(Once in a week),by removing all accumulated sand, dust, waste materials, grass,vegetation growth, roots of dead trees, all other solid waste materials etc. including disposing off the same with a lead of 2.00 km and maintaining the areas in neat & tidy condition throughout the year including cost & conveyance of all materials, tools and plants, labour, all other incidental charges etc complete as directed by the department. by deploying minimumn 5 Labour per day.(2 Nos Male aged below 40years & 3 Nos Female). The operation will be carried out as per the drawing enclosed, where place mentioned in orange colur is daily, road mentioned in red is twice in a week and green is once in a week).Register to be maintained and signed by the site engineer or at Whenever the operation is carried out.
Sector: Harbor