Conservancy of roads , drains and public places in - 116496021

The New Mangalore Port Trust has published a tender for "Conservancy of roads , drains and public places in the staff colony for Two years 2025-27. Part C -East Wing" on the 27 Feb 2025. This tender belongs to Road and drain category. This tender is published in Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Road and drain tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.

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 Tender Details

Description: Conservancy of roads drains and public places in the staff colony for Two years 2025 27 Part C East Wing Name of Work Conservency of roads drains and public places in the staff colony for one year 2025 27 Two years Part C East Wing

Details: Conservancy and cleaning of the public utility place like ABC market along with open area (Daily)and Main road along with its drains( Twice in a week) and all other streets and avenues(Once in a week),by removing all accumulated sand, dust, waste materials, grass,vegetation growth, roots of dead trees, all other solid waste materials etc. including disposing off the same with a lead of 2.00 km and maintaining the areas in neat & tidy condition throughout the year including cost & conveyance of all materials, tools and plants, labour, all other incidental charges etc complete as directed by the department. by deploying minimumn 5 Labour per day.(2 Nos Male aged below 40years & 3 Nos Female). The operation will be carried out as per the drawing enclosed, where place mentioned in orange colur is daily, road mentioned in red is twice in a week and green is once in a week).Register to be maintained and signed by the site engineer or at Whenever the operation is carried out.

Sector: Harbor

Published Date27 Feb 2025
Tender Estimate Value18.51 Lakh
Due Date Login to view Due Date
Earnest Money Deposit(EMD)INR XXXX
Processing Fee 560
Document Sale Start Date XX-XX-XXXX
Document Sale End DateXX-XX-XXXX
Tender Opening DateXX-XX-XXXX
Tender Document Link Login to view the document
Tender Type Open Tender
Tender Category Works
Bid Validity Period90