Details: supply of 300mm dia np3 pipe-5.0-no specifications;supply of blocks-183.1-no specifications;supply of aqua nylon mesh-89.6-no specifications;supply of pvc pipe 75mm-284.0-no specifications;supply of pvc pipe 160mm-8.0-no specifications;providing and removing centring,shuttring-547.625-no specifications;supply of binding wire 1-36.683-no specifications;supply oftmtsteel-3.947-specification as per the tender document:specification as per the tender doucments ;supply ofcement-544.0-specification as per the tender document:specification as per the tender doucments ;supply of sand 2-65.112-no specifications;supply of 20 mm jelly 1-77.695-no specifications;supply of 40 mm jelly 1-43.812-no specifications;supply of 100mm broken metal-21.114-no specifications;
Sector: RDPR